Khamis, Disember 31, 2009

jadilah "tong sampah"

nampak macam teruk..jadilah "tong sampah"...ape ke hal ni?
satu petang tyme lepak2 dengan member..tiba2 ada sorang member ni panggil sorang member yang lain yang baru datang.."J (bukan nama betul), aku ada problem la!"
spontan je aku cakap.."ha J dah jadi tong sampah"...aku bukan bermaksud nak cakap member aku ni tong sampah tapi tetiba je terlintas kat otak aku perkataan tu..and laju je kuar dari mulut aku...spontan je ayat2 itu keluar...
asal ceritanya tiap kali Z (bukan nama betul) ada problem dia akan cakap kat member aku yang sorang dia akn share dgn member aku yg sorang ni...different people boleh dengan certain people where they can share secrets and problems...while different people tend to keep it secret from others...i suppose i'm one of them..tend to keep quiet...
but apa yang aku menarik tentang tong sampah ni...tong sampah ni walaupun seburuk mana, sebusuk mana, seteruk mana, sedasyhat mana, segeli- geleman mana pon sampah itu...dia terima je walau apa pon keadaan sampah itu..tapi apa yang pasti sampah itu memang dalam keadaan yang the worst...apa yang aku nak bawa kat sni adalah seperti sifat tong sampah, terima dengan hati terbuka apa yang sahabatnya ingin luahkan masalah..walaupun diri sendiri dah ada banyak masalah yang sedia ada...seperti tong sampah tetap terima je sampah yang dibuang oleh manusia walaupun telah sedia ada sampah yang dibuang oleh manusia yang lain...
dari sudut yang yang pula, kita boleh lihat, tong sampah ini bersifat "menerima"...menerima dengan rela hatinya...tanpa banyak songeh, tanpa banyak bicara, bila buka penutup tanpa ada sekatan atau laser ray etc yang mengawal pintu masuk ke dalam tong sampah itu...directly boleh buang sampah...kat sni kita boleh tengok even tong sampah tau erti menerima sgala kotoran, samalah dalam konteks manusia...apabila ditegur dengan teguran menyakiti hati..terimalah seumpama tong sampah menerima sampah-sampah itu...dan apabila tiba masanya..sampah2 itu akan dibawa ke tempat yg khas utk dilupuskan...samalah dengan teguran yang menyakitkan tadi...ambil teguran itu dengan berhikmah dan berusahalah untuk membuang kesalahan yang menjadi punca teguran itu...dalam kelas tafaquh malam ni ustaz naim ada cakap "agama itu nasihat"...saper yang xleh nak terima nasihat samalah dia cam xleh nk terima agama...bila kena tegur dia jadilah macam tong sampah...
bila aku guna perkataan tong sampah ini nampak cam x appropriate pulak and something yg menjijikan...tapi even tong sampah boleh kita kaitkan dengan kehidupan seharian kita sbg sorg manusia dan sbg sorg hamba yang lemah...betapa hebatnya kuasa-Nya...look on other sides, kalau xde tong sampah...kotorlah tempat tinggal kita...sampah akan buang merata...tgk kesan xde tong sampah..see how important "tong sampah" in our is short...don't make it more short doing has to be appreciated~

Selasa, Disember 29, 2009

Rahsia Solat di Awal Waktu

copy paste betul2 dr
thought of sharing it here.....
travel a kat laman web iluvislam ni..byk artikel menarik~

Solat Di Awal Waktu
Dihantar Oleh: frida*
Editor: b_b

Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam. Aku rasa fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak?

Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh. Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki. Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur. Di sini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat di awal waktu. Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.

Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (Isyraq & Dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor. Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman.
Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya. Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak?

Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif.
Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ni jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu). Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita.

Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam. Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita. Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan,
pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.

Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian
di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak. Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam. Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan. Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.

Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam. Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya. Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh. Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini. Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hamba-Nya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukan-Nya. Adalah amat malang sekali bagi kumpulan manusia yang amat cuai dalam menjaga solatnya tapi amat berdisiplin dalam menghadiri kelas taichinya.


* Source: Suhaimi Isa

Isnin, Disember 28, 2009

"aku tak dilahirkan malas..tapi aku yang melahirkan malas"

"malas"..agak sinonim dengan diriku...malas dalam segala jenis aspek...malas basuh baju, malas masak, malas bangun awal, malas baca buku, malas studi...and so on..boleh dikatakan malas ni dah jadi sebahagian daripada hidup aku..dan sekarang aku malas nak gi kuliah...malas tahap maximum...tapi apa kan daya..kuliah adalah salah satu tanggungjawab yang perlu aku penuhi dalam roda-roda perjalanan hidup aku yang bergelar pelajar..skemanya ayat...boring...boring...boring... ^o^

kalau nak sebut pasal malas ni..banyak sangat boleh dikupas...aku pernah terbaca satu artikel ni...pasal bawang..."bawang" tergolong daripada jenis sayuran..xde bawang, masakan jadi xsedap..buat senang cerita, bawang ni memang pentinglah kalau dalam bab masakan..tambah lagi bila buat masak pedas..yummm..cara aku ulas cam pakar memasak je..kenyataannya hanya ahli beit aku je yang tau~

sambung balik crita bawang tadi..penulis tu sebut yang bawang ni ada banyak lapisan..satu lapisan demi satu lapisan membawa kepada beberapa makna yang mendalam..penulis tu nak bawa kita kepada satu cara pemikiran yang baru..dia umpamakan bawang sama seperti diri manusia..setiap manusia mempunyai perwatakan yang berbeza dan sifat2 yang variasi...hanya sesetengah orang dapat menghalusi sifat2 itu jika dia berusaha untuk menyelak lapisan bawang itu demi lapisan...jika seseorang itu berusaha untuk mengenali lebih dekat lagi seseorang itu..berusaha untuk membuka selapis demi selapis lapisan bawang itu maka dia akan dapati perbezaan yang hanya dapat dilihat olehnya..tidak kelihatan pada pandangan orang lain...perspektifnya juga akan berubah terhadap individu yang cuba dia dalami itu...umpama dia mengoyak lapisan bawang demi lapisan sampai pada satu lapisan akhir...dia akan jumpa keindahan bawang disebalik kulit2 merahnya memburuk...isi didalamnya bak kesegaran light purple bawang yang sungguh mengiurkan...ragup..crispy..crunchy..yummmi...anti-bawang will find this a little bit annoying~

sebut pasal annoying ni..aku ni mmg jenis yg suka in real world kegemaran aku ni agak terbatas..sbb xsumer org suka dgr cerita aku yg ntah ape2...that's why i use this medium to deliver my story even though it might annoyed least i don't see people's face when they feel annoyed by my story..hehe..

sambung balik..banyak betul interruption..jom la berhenti...k selamat membaca

Sabtu, Disember 26, 2009

bila azan mula kedengaran

bila azan dah mula kedengaran sahut-bersahutan..aper lagi..g solat la...
satu eksperimen yang aku buat..aku sdirik jd bahan uji kaji...teori yang aku nk ketengahkan adalah.."bila azan dah bunyi, terus gerak g amik wudhu, then solat, bleh increase aku punya affinity utk solat awal waktu"..aku dah buat dua tiga kali eksperimen ulangan nak buktikan teori aku ni..dan keputusannya...hipotesis aku diterima...

aku slalu je bila azan dah bunyi, seakan ader satu bisikan suh aku teruskan dgn kerja yg aku tgh buat dan abaikan laungan azan..azan bukan main lantang lagi suh umat Islam meh solat sumer..tapi aku buat dek jer..ape punya manusia ko ni..

tapi sejak aku mulakan kempen works..wlpn kdg2 aku tewas gak dgn penggoda antarabangsa permulaan yg baek..kempen jom solat awal..

teori aku..kalo dh bunyi azan terus g toilet tanpa fikir ape2..kalo dah start fikir, tyme tu la si penggoda antarabangsa amik peranan..even fikir one second can lead you to a great damage dalam usaha nak solat awal waktu...

persoalan yang sering aku timbulkan...
"kenapalah nak sangat solat awal waktu ni..bukan ke solat bila2 masa pon boleh asalkan x masuk waktu solat seterusnya dah kira ok la tu..kira ok la dah solat ni..bukannya tinggal terus"...

jalan-jalan surf internet..aku jumpa satu artikel ni..sal Rahsia solat di awal waktu
pechet cni
nak kongsi kat sni..artikel yang menarik..xnak ulas sal artikel tuh..baca sdirik lg best...

aku nak jawab persoalan aku sdirik kat atas tu dgn hadith ni...
Sabda Nabi SAW

Ertinya: " Ditanya Nabi SAW , apakah amalan yang terbaik, maka jawab Nabi : Solat di awal waktu" ( Riwayat At-Tirmidzi dan Abu Daud, Albani : Sohih)

kdg2 manusia ni asyik cari alasan utk post aku yg lepas "say no to excuses"..dah terbukti "alasan" tu dah sebati dgn jiwa manusia..aku cuba nk kikis budaya tu dlm diri progress..aku perlukan bukti utk apa yg aku kempenkan..

kembali pd teori aku td..aku cuba buat..bila azan dh bunyi aku terus masuk toilet..then g bilik member aku..terus solat..aku cuba kikis bisikan manis yang datang dengan..."langkah2 kaki ke toilet...kosongkan minda"..perasaan ni akan hilang kalau selalu buat..memang starting point tu sgt susah, perit derita semua jenis ader la..tapi bila dh slalu amalkan Insya Allah senang je nk buat...badan kita akn jd automatic bila dgr bunyi azan terus g toilet amik wudhu then solat..ajak member lain skali solat berjemaah...slalunya kalau dah ader org yang starting masuk toilet..member lain akan's like magnet..xnak ke jadi orang first yang msk toilet dulu..??

nak berenti dah..nak bawa persoalan sket..pahala dah la sket..dosa berlambak..kenapa xnak tambah pahala dengan solat awal..renung2kanlah..wallahua'alam

Rabu, Disember 16, 2009

azam aku...???

"apa azam aku?"
post ni cam nak tulis bahasa melayu la pulak..english aku ntah ape2..
kadang-kadang aku tertanya-tanya apa azam aku sebenarnya..bukan main lagi senaraikan segala jenis azam yang terlintas kat kotak fikiran, tapi angan-angan mat jenin x kemana jika x disertakan dengan usaha..bak kata aku, makan nasi biar sungguh-sungguh walaupun hanya lauk ikan kering..sebab siapa tahu entah esok lusa makan nasi saja tanpa lauk..tapi still ade nasi...bersyukur la manusia~
"Azam"...kadang-kadang aku keliru..keliru dengan arah tuju aku sendiri..bangun pagi, celik mata, nampak lampu, antara nak bangun dengan nak tarik cik leha balik...habis pergaduhan sengit dengan si penggoda antarabangsa, victory is mine, terus tendang saratoga..kaki menjejak ke lantai.."uh, sejuk..."
dengan langkah nak-xnak..akhirnya masuk jugak toilet..dah la xde sakhanah(pemanas air)..dah nak masuk tahun ketiga kami disini..semua rumah yang kami duduk xde sakhanah..boleh dikatakan tiap-tiap tahun la, phobia nak masuk toilet...sejuk seakan-akan curah air batu yang letak dalam freezer kat badan...Allah je yang tahu betapa peritnya disaat molecule-molecule air menjamah my skin..huuuuh..tapi nak bagitau kat sini..kitorang leh sabar jugak..confius bin ajaib..mungkin sebab dah biasa..benda ni jadi out of discussion..
Sambung azam aku tadi..tetiba je cerita sal mujahadah nk bangun tidur...hehe..
so tahun ni aku nak ade satu azam yang betul-betul aku akan buat..Insya Allah ya Rabb..tercapai at the end of the year is out of question, but the important is that i have one target to be accomplish within this year..we see quality not quantity..biasa dengar, kan?
aku pernah baca satu artikel ni..sal ape tah, lupa...tapi apa yang aku ingat..penulis tu cakap..umat islam zaman sekarang banyak dari segi kuantiti tapi kerat mana la yang benar-benar mengamalkan ajaran islam yang sebenarnya-benarnya..even aku sendiri takut untuk mengaku yang aku benar-benar telah mengamalkan ajaran islam yang dituntut..banyak benda lagi yang aku xtahu dan banyak lagi benda yang aku tahu tapi aku xamalkan..reality check.."setakat mana islam aku?"
islam bermaksud percaya dengan hati, mengaku dengan lidah dan buat dengan anggota badan serta amar makruf nahi mungkar..
Insya Allah azam baru aku tahun ni..aku nak perbaiki diri a better person..banyak kelemahan yang aku sendiri sedari dan xsedari..jom buat reality check jap..senaraikan kelemahan-kelemahan masing-masing..dan cara nak atasi..let start the first step, shall we...
sini nak kongsi..10 ciri-ciri fardhu aku pernah dapat dari kakak sc aku dulu..pahtu kerap jugak why not try amalkan...

1.jasmani yang sihat (Islam kan selalu je suh jaga kesihatan.sbb tanpa badan yang sihat, nak buat apa pon susah..bukankah sihat itu adalah salah satu nikmat)
2.akidah yang selamat (pegangan; asal daripada perkataan akad, maksud dia simpulan,ikatan..kalau pegangan/ikatan kita xselamat, putus tali jatuh kaboom la kita)
3.memiliki kemampuan/kekuasaan
4.intelek dalam berfikir
5.akhlak yang kukuh
6.ibadah yang sahih (nak everything goes the way it should, kena jaga ibadah luh..sbb ibadah is the first step you'll be able to be near Our kata solat tu madrasah/sekolah pertama kita..pernah dengar?)
7.pandai jaga waktu (nilah problem aku no 1..tapi manusia boleh berubah, aku nk mulakan first step..first step to every thing seems so difficult but, the difficulties is the one refresh your memory of how fun to have a tear out of joyness when you succeed on doing'll be flash back by the suffer not by the joy..and you'll begin to learn pace by pace)
8.teratur dalam sesuatu urusan (dan satu lg problem aku..xde sistematik langsung..berubah ye)
9.berjuang melawan nafsu(susah tau nk mujahadah lawan nafsu ni..ada satu cerita..hari ini aku puasa sunat hari khamis..on the way balik dr kuliah tadi nampak la sorang ni tengah minum fanta perisa oren..terus increase aku punya appetite tuk minum air gas gak..lantas aku nak pegi beli dah pun air gas..tiba-tiba.."alamak aku puasa la hari ni.."..habis cerita kat situ, aku pun balik umah..balik umah tengok ada member aku makan tomyam-feveret aku..dia xtau aku puasa..pahtu aku ni dah berkira-kira nak buka puasa dah ade satu suara ni determine betul nk suh aku buka puasa..dia ckp .."puasa sunat je pon, bukan puasa wajib"..pahtu aku pun bgtau la member aku ni..dia pun cakap.."wa,mujahadah!!!..last2 aku pun teruskan sampai azan yang bestnya, waktu buka puasa, aku dapat dua2 benda yang aku sangat2 nak tyme kritikal td.."air gas oren & tomyam")
10.bermanfaat kepada orang lain (belajarlah untuk memberi dan belajarlah untuk menghargai pemberian)

lastly, ni aku tulis sambil-sambil duk tunggu member kat tangga tepat jam 12.34 pm..gara-gara kunci rumah hilang..tup-tup kena duk kat tepi tangga sambil tunggu dorang balik...tapi ok gak dapat ilham nak tulis something...
When you determine on doing something, then stick to it. The moment you state your target, the harder it get on getting the starting point. The evil intentions will flow like a waterfall across your heart and you'll tend to make excuses on what you aim to do. Lastly end up, doing nothing instead of having the big ambitious over something that you are certain about it, then forget completely what you really wanted to start with. Don't think of victory because victory is far away. But think about your contribution towards the battle. War is just begin. Don't end it as you are already facing the first barrier..azam dah tetap..selamat berjuang!!~

Isnin, Disember 14, 2009

are you the happiest woman...??

our new mentor, with new way of conducting task for the eight of complete reading two books but in a very unique way..the eight of us will rotate the book after reading one part and give to other member to read the same part..and the book will be pass to other hands after the first people finish reading the part suppose to be read..and the circle with be continues until all of us finish reading the whole things from the books..
one of the books reaches my hand is "You can be the happiest woman in the world" written by Dr Aid al Qarni..
i would like to share it here...

Say YES...
YES to your smile that sends a message of warmth and friendliness to others.
YES to your kind words that establish friendship as permitted in Islam and dispel rancour.
YES to acceptable charity that brings happiness to the poor and feeds the hungry.
YES to sitting with the Quran, reciting it, pondering its meanings and acting upon them, and repenting and seeking forgiveness.
YES to remembering Allah a great deal and praying for forgiveness, persisting in dua' and offering sincere repentance.
YES to raising your children in Islam, teaching them the Sunnah and guiding them to that which will benefit them.
YES to modesty and hijab as enjoined by Allah, which is the means of self-protection.
YES to the friendship of good women who fear Allah, love Islam and respect high values.
YES to honouring one's parents, upholding the ties of kinship, honourin one's neighbours and caring for orphans.
YES to reading useful, interesting and beneficial books.

and say NO...
NO to wasting time in trivial pursuits, and love of revenge and futile arguments.
No to giving priority to money and accumulation of wealth over one's health, happiness, sleep and peace of mind.
NO to seeking out other people's faults and backbiting about them, whilst forgetting one's own faults.
NO to indulging in physical pleasure and giving in to every whim and desire.
NO to wasting time with shallow people and spending hours in idle pursuits.
NO to neglecting physical hygiene and cleanliness in the house, and being disorganized at home.
NO to haram drinks, cigarettes, narghile ("hookah pipes") and all foul things.
NO to thinking of past calamities and dwelling on past mistakes.
NO to forgetting the Hereafter and neglectingto strive for it, and to being careless of what will happen in the Hereafter.
NO to wasting money on haram things, being extravagant with regard to permissible things and falling short in acts of worship.

then think about it...
1. Be like the bee, which lands on fragant flowers and fresh branches.
2. You don't have time to seek out people's defects and mistakes.
3. If Allah is with you,the whom do you have to fear? if Allah is against you, then what hope do you have?
4. The fire of envy consumes the body, and the excessive jealousy is like a raging fire.
5. If you don't prepare today, then you will not be able to do anything tomorrow.
6. Withdraw peacefully from places where idle arguments are going on.
7. Let your morals and attitude be even more beautiful than a garden.
8. Do acts of kindness and you will be the happiest of people.
9. Leave people to their Creator, leave the envier to death and forget about your enemy.
10. The pleasure of haram actions is followed by regret, loss and punishment.

interesting, right?lets practice it, who knows you will be the one, one of the happiest woman in the world..

Ahad, Disember 13, 2009

my heart yelling....??

sometimes i felt so annoyed and sometimes i just don't want to think about it..just let it be..but the feeling grew stronger as time pass by..and it turn to be hatred..and sometimes i ended up crying by myself in my room or in the bathroom..haha..silly right..i'm only human ability to control something is beyond my power is limited..and i can't even control my own feeling..

i admit most of the time, it was my fault..but sometimes i just don't get it why am i feeling so down and so annoyed at the same time..i felt like i'm useless...nothing good came out from me..and i'm the one who is causing all the trouble and if it's like i'm the criminal...being hatred and being dislike by others..the feeling can't just settle down like that..i felt so stress!!!
i can't even smile freely like before...i felt useless..i can't felt the happiness is so brain is going to blow...'s so good to cried out loud...i felt at ease somehow..
it's good sometimes try to express your feeling..if you can't do it in the real life face to face with can use the advantages of having internet at the tip of your fingers , right?

express how you feel...then you can be at peace..other way is take ablution..not just blunt ablution..take ablution with pure intention..firstly, close your eyes, try to stay calm...try not think about anything..just relax..don't ever think about the annoyance at this very moment..try to enjoy the minute of calmness..
then, put a very pure intention only for Allah inside your heart..until that, then you can start to perform your ablution..if not, try to calm..think of something nice and funny, that can make you smile, even for a second..

i already did this to myself..sometimes my experiment went well but sometimes not..but most of the time, i felt at ease after i did this..i don't know if it's not working on others, but for me i enjoy that feeling, even only for a second..
other than this, i ate a lot when i'm stress..i ate everything..most of the time i ended up feeling overly full due to my unconscious habit of eating..and fall asleep the next..but i enjoy makes me happy..

the thing that i love the most..ICE CREAM!!! i even dared to go downstairs late in the night just to buy ice cream at farouq's favourite flavor is strawberry..the moisturize creamy strawberry ice cream when put in the tip of your lips..flow inside your sweet..i can't hardly express the real can't imagine the sensation if he doesn't experience it himself..

but the thing here that i want to say, different people has different way of managing with for me i eat and eat while i felt stress..and for you, only you know your own need..try to look for the thing that can ease your stress or temper..try to find something that can be use (for example, eating food) when you are in need for support (from other but you can't find one) but changing it into something that easy to do according to your level yet very effective...
that's enough already..hopes can be benefit..

Selasa, Disember 08, 2009

say no to excuses

Like the title..i feel like writing something..say no to excuses..
i've been thinking lately..i'm making too much excuses since forever..every time it's comes to hold a responsiblity, then the excuses began to generate..i don't know where and why i come out with so many ideas yet it is so brilliant..even me myself don't expect it to be like is me who think of it yet i don't know the origin..seems unreal, right..i thought so too..^o^

Excuses only for loser..and i don't want to be a loser..there are already too many things that i lose..and i don't want to lose more and more while i'm aware of losing them..

Speaking of excuse, are you aware that, people tend to make excuses yet they know what they do wrong..and they refuse to accept their mistakes..making thing worst they make excuses to escape from the responsibilities hold within the incident..i've been making observation over me myself as a sample of the experiment..and i found out that my tendency to making excuses is higher whenever my ego feels threaten and when i'm used to became casual and even worst i felt at for example..when i eat, i always tend to leave behind the plate in the table where i ate, not because i purposely wanted to do that, but i forgot to take it with me to the kitchen (it's one of my bad habit that i'm trying to get rid of) of my housemate used to get angry whenever it happens..and i bluntly protect myself with excuses..i'm avoiding taken the responsibility toward my act..that's one example and the other, if u read my sentence at the beginning of example, u'll see another sample of excuse make by me unintentionally..but it seems kind of habit..habit of making excuse for everything i's a bad thing indeed..better watch out next time..

the moral here, learn how to avoid making excuses..just accept the responsibilties comes with your action..then you'll began to learn life step by step..and enjoy the responsibilties that crawling ahead..

Rabu, Disember 02, 2009

one day trip to giza

It has been since last year, we've been planning to visit one of historical place in egypt, giza..i never have thought that we're going there this eid adha...since it's eid adha it seems weird to me to go to place like that..but it's worth for all the of my regret is that on the first day of eid adha, i spent most of my evening in an unapprorpiate place..there is too much regret regarding this eid adha thought...i suppose Allah has spoken...all this make me realizes many things..

Back to trip to took approximately one hour journey to reach there by van...
i became overly excited by the tourists...there's black guy, blonde girl and so on...

we took some pictures there..

here is some information about giza...
Giza is the third largest city in Egypt. Being located on the west bank of the Nile river, some 20 km southwest of central Cairo. Along with Shubra El-Kheima, Cairo and Helwan, the 4 cities form the Province of Greater Cairo metropolis. The city of Giza is the capital of the Giza Governorate, and is located near the northeast border of this governorate in coordinates. It is located right on the banks of the River Nile. The city's population was 2,681,863 in the 2006 national census, while the governate had 6,272,571 at the same census. Its large population makes it the second largest suburb in the world, tied with Incheon, Korea and Quezon City, Philippines, second only to Yokohama, Japan.

Giza is most famous as the location of the Giza Plateau: the site of some of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world, including a complex of ancient Egyptian royal mortuary and sacred structures, including the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples. The Great Pyramid of Giza at one time was advocated (1884) as the location for the Prime Meridian, a reference point used for determining a base longitude.

We met one malaysian family whose in the holiday during our visit to the Great Pyramid of giza. Ain and i also encountered with a group of japanese tourists. To my surprise, i'm able to speak with one of member of the group. i found this so intersting and exciting. but i unable to make a long conversation due to the crowd. i couldn't even ask her name.

After the great pyramid of giza, we then went to area to ride camel and horse. i have no gut to ride the camel. but i do rode the horse. after a big battle with the guardian of the animals to lower the fee of the ride, we finally get the reasonable price.
it was a wonderful ride. i then learn how hard and extremely dangerous the ride was. how ancient people survive using horse as transport. how the muslim use horse for war with the non-muslim. i can barely breathe during the ride. but it was one of wonderful things happen to me. i'm glad i took the ride. one never knows the feeling if he don't experience it by himself.

Khamis, November 19, 2009

How Rasulullah SAW prevent and cure the diseases

i found this article...thought of sharing it here..hopefully can benefit others~

Cara Rasulullah mengelak & menyembuhkan penyakit


1.perasaan runsing
4.tidak tidur malam
(bukan tujuan qiyamullail)


1.melihat pada warna hijau
2.melihat air yang mengalir
3.melihat orang/barang yang disayangi
4.melihat buah-buahan (dedaun).


1.berjalan tanpa alas(berkaki ayam)
2.menyambut waktu pagi dengan wajah murka (masam)
3.banyak menangis
4.banyak membaca tulisan yang kecil-kecil.


2.tidak mempunyai perasaan malu
3.banyak bertanya (bertanya
bukan kerana ingin tahu)
4.banyak berbuat dosa.


1.menjaga maruah
4.membaca qur'an
4.sentiasa dalam wudhuk


1.perasaan sombong
4.suka mengadu domba.


(beribadah di waktu malam selepas tidur)
2.banyak beristighfar di waktu
sahur (sebelum masuk waktu subuh)
3.membaca surah Al-Waaqi'ah sebelum
4.Solat sunat Dhuha
6.berzikir di waktu pagi dan petang


1.tidur di waktu pagi(selepas subuh)
2.sedikit mengerjakan sembahyang


1.sentiasa makan buah yang masam
2.tidur pada tengkuk (belakang kepala)
3.hati sedih
4.fikiran runsing


1.kegembiraan hati
2.sedikit makan dan sedikit minum
3.mengawal makanan dengan sesuatu yang manis dan berlemak
4.mengurangkan makanan yang memberatkan badan

from one plain reality become a story

i got nothing to write's been a while since i wrote something in this page..i'm not really a writer-type person..but i become suddenly excited over something like this..although i prefer watching movie instead of write something that might be benefit for me somehow i suppose...writing something can help to improve my english skill..furthermore my laziness keeps me away from this languange for awhile since almost all the time i've been in my nothing except watching cartoon..somehow i think from writing this kind of stuff help to improve me english is not good as it suppose to be but i'm trying to create a new stimulus to make me trying harder..people tend to do something if certain stimulus is applied..i prefer this kind of stimulus to make my tendency toward english languange visible...
from the title i suppose create some story out of reality might become an interesting output...i'm working on it..but right now..i got no idea..just an introductory words..
i might come out with something later..pray that i won't forget about this...i can see my determination only 50 out of 100...i need even more stronger stimulus i suppose..haha..a story to be tell~

Khamis, Februari 19, 2009

my day out...

Yesterday me and my friend, we went window shopping and something really bad happen to us on that's a story to be gained...After class we went straight to place called "Mahatoh Raml, on the way there we stopped by to get something from photocopy shop..
Actually we are looking for some cheap stuff...after all now it's going to be spring soon...and the winter is come to an end after this while...i'm freezing cold during this winter scent...yet getting extremely overwhelmed sometimes as for the weather changing outrageously...cut the crap!!..i'm not going to tell about those stuff be continues....
and back to my story just our disapointment, we found zero cheap garment...we came to a wrong place to begin with...those place only for those who has "fulus"( it means money) we with our 4 legs(it's four because each one of us has 2 legs..hahah..actually i don't have to explain that at the first place yarr...) we walk along to the "tram" ( this is some kind of transport, that helps us travel to our university and other places too with just only LEo.25 per ride,but we have a special card, not that special at all just adding the spice, so we only pay LE2o for the whole year,that's great is it, me and my own world...)
oh before that i forgot to tell you about a funny scene me and my friend encounter that day...on journey to find cheap stuff full with guts and courage...hahahha...we enter one boutique along the roadside at the Mahatah usual the shopkeeper(is it shopkeeper,...ah mind my bad used of words..actually i'm kind lost of word to describe the girl that happen to be in charge of the boutique...whatsoever la) she follows every steps of us and making us feeling extemely uncomfortable and unsecured too(actually there is no need for the feeling of unsecured..hehheh)
And the scene happen....hhuuhhu..that girl or should i call her as "kak" (or miss), she ask me for "habbah" (aizah habbah...), with innoncent look i stare back at her.then i replied, "maalish ana mushfahmah" and till that moment then i noticed the meaning of habbah if i'm not mistaken when she's pointing her finger toward my snack..she is actually asking for my snack on my neuroanatomy book that i hold on my bare hand...hah!!what a shock..she actually dare to ask that to a stranger yet a foreigner like me...huh what a can be so unbelievable sometime...and then her friend came ask for the same thing without a single feeling of ashamed..i just laugh with my friend and say nothing after that...but still it really tickles me when i recalled it for the next close...
and then the second scene happen...this time it's not the funny one but a really bad day for us...we rode the "tram"...and it's not the usual "gerabak" (ah i'm sorry ah feel really annoyed when i seem kind of lost to find the suitable word..actually this problem happen when i'm reach 20..and now that i'm 21..big enough to marry don't you think..hahahha... =P cut it out yarr!!)
We enter the mixed "carriage", the first floor is all occupied so we decided to go upstair...then the tradegy happen...
the second floor doesn't seem to be crowded with people..there is only a couple of lover dovey and some teenagers..we find ourselves a place near a group of girls hanging out chattering with each other...and when the tram comes to a station, i think it's after azaritoh(near syu'ban muslimin) a man average 40, came and sat next to first i doesn't suspect anything because it is normal act and i don't have power to stop him from doing so.after all he pays the fare..but then that man seem to getting closer...and i felt so so uncomfortable at that time..only God knows what i feel that time...think that i'm going to cry..naah i'm not that weak...i can't show my weakness in front of him...every thing comes to mind that time...i pray for God for our safety...
And then that man open his whatsoever and playing with it( i think..because i don't even have guts to see besides me...and i don't know exactly what he is doing...but something suspicious about that man i could friend said that he is using something like a plastic bag to cover his act...
We get so scared then decided to go downstair..i think it's when we're approaching syu'ban muslimin...and to our surprise theat man follow us downstair!!!
We try to act cool and calm...the period between syu'baan muslimin and shatby is so long and giving him time to do that again but in the standing friend notices there is some guy that happen to be near us notice something suspicious is happening..may be because of our shocked and scared faces...but they didn't do anything...on reaching shatby that man descend from tram...and felt as much relief as we could...we thanks to God for saving us from anything bad...after this incident i will be more careful and try not to take that "gerabak again"
and of course note to others and me also, be careful when you walk alone, because "malang itu tidak berbau busuk" ( some malays phrase about be careful before something bad really happen) 2 close...

Rabu, Februari 18, 2009

my "keropok segera"...

assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...
alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrah Ilahi...tut...tut...oi siot too formal!!...rejected!!!...
well first of all thanks to God, Ya Rabb, for giving me the opportunity to have my own blog. After all having a blog can't do any harm, can they??
It has been a while since i started to write something...actually i'm writing something right now...hahhaa...silly and my broken english, can't do anything about it...just ignore the "tunggang-langgang" structure of my sentences ok....
This is the first entry of my blog, and i have no idea of what i should write...actually i've already had one back there but i kind of forget the password for that blog and guess what i'm also forget about the email address that i use for that blog...may be it's not meant for me at the first place...hahaha..just like in movie..the romance story about a young lady who fall in love with the mr prince-charming who is flawless yet is a "buaya" (that word in my mother's tongue, in english ; playboy)...after several observation ( which is i got most of them from television and also internet,downloaded it and whatsoever, giving me a little point of view about this matter) i found out that most of girl of naive type just like me
will fall for a guy that actually doesn't appreciate the value of woman but stylish in their appearance yet of course has bold heart...that's why until now i don't have any can be trouble most of the time...but we, girl, can't blame the man 100%...because we are human being and none of us can escape from making mistakes but we can learn...that is why people getting mature day by day or after suffering for a long time because by time they learn about the secret of life and the meaning of being painful...and the thing that i don't have any boyfriend not even once...because no one would like me..hahahha...serve me right...
i think it's enough for's a little bit long for a first entry,don't you think???
i'm going to stop now...there's no classes for today because there is no electricity in my university...i wonder what happen to the first year students...they are having first semester examination today...pray nothing bad i recalled my first year as a university student....

jadilah "tong sampah"

nampak macam teruk..jadilah "tong sampah"...ape ke hal ni?
satu petang tyme lepak2 dengan member..tiba2 ada sorang member ni panggil sorang member yang lain yang baru datang.."J (bukan nama betul), aku ada problem la!"
spontan je aku cakap.."ha J dah jadi tong sampah"...aku bukan bermaksud nak cakap member aku ni tong sampah tapi tetiba je terlintas kat otak aku perkataan tu..and laju je kuar dari mulut aku...spontan je ayat2 itu keluar...
asal ceritanya tiap kali Z (bukan nama betul) ada problem dia akan cakap kat member aku yang sorang dia akn share dgn member aku yg sorang ni...different people boleh dengan certain people where they can share secrets and problems...while different people tend to keep it secret from others...i suppose i'm one of them..tend to keep quiet...
but apa yang aku menarik tentang tong sampah ni...tong sampah ni walaupun seburuk mana, sebusuk mana, seteruk mana, sedasyhat mana, segeli- geleman mana pon sampah itu...dia terima je walau apa pon keadaan sampah itu..tapi apa yang pasti sampah itu memang dalam keadaan yang the worst...apa yang aku nak bawa kat sni adalah seperti sifat tong sampah, terima dengan hati terbuka apa yang sahabatnya ingin luahkan masalah..walaupun diri sendiri dah ada banyak masalah yang sedia ada...seperti tong sampah tetap terima je sampah yang dibuang oleh manusia walaupun telah sedia ada sampah yang dibuang oleh manusia yang lain...
dari sudut yang yang pula, kita boleh lihat, tong sampah ini bersifat "menerima"...menerima dengan rela hatinya...tanpa banyak songeh, tanpa banyak bicara, bila buka penutup tanpa ada sekatan atau laser ray etc yang mengawal pintu masuk ke dalam tong sampah itu...directly boleh buang sampah...kat sni kita boleh tengok even tong sampah tau erti menerima sgala kotoran, samalah dalam konteks manusia...apabila ditegur dengan teguran menyakiti hati..terimalah seumpama tong sampah menerima sampah-sampah itu...dan apabila tiba masanya..sampah2 itu akan dibawa ke tempat yg khas utk dilupuskan...samalah dengan teguran yang menyakitkan tadi...ambil teguran itu dengan berhikmah dan berusahalah untuk membuang kesalahan yang menjadi punca teguran itu...dalam kelas tafaquh malam ni ustaz naim ada cakap "agama itu nasihat"...saper yang xleh nak terima nasihat samalah dia cam xleh nk terima agama...bila kena tegur dia jadilah macam tong sampah...
bila aku guna perkataan tong sampah ini nampak cam x appropriate pulak and something yg menjijikan...tapi even tong sampah boleh kita kaitkan dengan kehidupan seharian kita sbg sorg manusia dan sbg sorg hamba yang lemah...betapa hebatnya kuasa-Nya...look on other sides, kalau xde tong sampah...kotorlah tempat tinggal kita...sampah akan buang merata...tgk kesan xde tong sampah..see how important "tong sampah" in our is short...don't make it more short doing has to be appreciated~

Rahsia Solat di Awal Waktu

copy paste betul2 dr
thought of sharing it here.....
travel a kat laman web iluvislam ni..byk artikel menarik~

Solat Di Awal Waktu
Dihantar Oleh: frida*
Editor: b_b

Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam. Aku rasa fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak?

Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh. Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki. Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur. Di sini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat di awal waktu. Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.

Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (Isyraq & Dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor. Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman.
Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya. Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak?

Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif.
Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ni jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu). Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita.

Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam. Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita. Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan,
pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.

Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian
di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak. Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam. Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan. Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.

Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam. Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya. Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh. Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini. Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hamba-Nya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukan-Nya. Adalah amat malang sekali bagi kumpulan manusia yang amat cuai dalam menjaga solatnya tapi amat berdisiplin dalam menghadiri kelas taichinya.


* Source: Suhaimi Isa

"aku tak dilahirkan malas..tapi aku yang melahirkan malas"

"malas"..agak sinonim dengan diriku...malas dalam segala jenis aspek...malas basuh baju, malas masak, malas bangun awal, malas baca buku, malas studi...and so on..boleh dikatakan malas ni dah jadi sebahagian daripada hidup aku..dan sekarang aku malas nak gi kuliah...malas tahap maximum...tapi apa kan daya..kuliah adalah salah satu tanggungjawab yang perlu aku penuhi dalam roda-roda perjalanan hidup aku yang bergelar pelajar..skemanya ayat...boring...boring...boring... ^o^

kalau nak sebut pasal malas ni..banyak sangat boleh dikupas...aku pernah terbaca satu artikel ni...pasal bawang..."bawang" tergolong daripada jenis sayuran..xde bawang, masakan jadi xsedap..buat senang cerita, bawang ni memang pentinglah kalau dalam bab masakan..tambah lagi bila buat masak pedas..yummm..cara aku ulas cam pakar memasak je..kenyataannya hanya ahli beit aku je yang tau~

sambung balik crita bawang tadi..penulis tu sebut yang bawang ni ada banyak lapisan..satu lapisan demi satu lapisan membawa kepada beberapa makna yang mendalam..penulis tu nak bawa kita kepada satu cara pemikiran yang baru..dia umpamakan bawang sama seperti diri manusia..setiap manusia mempunyai perwatakan yang berbeza dan sifat2 yang variasi...hanya sesetengah orang dapat menghalusi sifat2 itu jika dia berusaha untuk menyelak lapisan bawang itu demi lapisan...jika seseorang itu berusaha untuk mengenali lebih dekat lagi seseorang itu..berusaha untuk membuka selapis demi selapis lapisan bawang itu maka dia akan dapati perbezaan yang hanya dapat dilihat olehnya..tidak kelihatan pada pandangan orang lain...perspektifnya juga akan berubah terhadap individu yang cuba dia dalami itu...umpama dia mengoyak lapisan bawang demi lapisan sampai pada satu lapisan akhir...dia akan jumpa keindahan bawang disebalik kulit2 merahnya memburuk...isi didalamnya bak kesegaran light purple bawang yang sungguh mengiurkan...ragup..crispy..crunchy..yummmi...anti-bawang will find this a little bit annoying~

sebut pasal annoying ni..aku ni mmg jenis yg suka in real world kegemaran aku ni agak terbatas..sbb xsumer org suka dgr cerita aku yg ntah ape2...that's why i use this medium to deliver my story even though it might annoyed least i don't see people's face when they feel annoyed by my story..hehe..

sambung balik..banyak betul interruption..jom la berhenti...k selamat membaca

bila azan mula kedengaran

bila azan dah mula kedengaran sahut-bersahutan..aper lagi..g solat la...
satu eksperimen yang aku buat..aku sdirik jd bahan uji kaji...teori yang aku nk ketengahkan adalah.."bila azan dah bunyi, terus gerak g amik wudhu, then solat, bleh increase aku punya affinity utk solat awal waktu"..aku dah buat dua tiga kali eksperimen ulangan nak buktikan teori aku ni..dan keputusannya...hipotesis aku diterima...

aku slalu je bila azan dah bunyi, seakan ader satu bisikan suh aku teruskan dgn kerja yg aku tgh buat dan abaikan laungan azan..azan bukan main lantang lagi suh umat Islam meh solat sumer..tapi aku buat dek jer..ape punya manusia ko ni..

tapi sejak aku mulakan kempen works..wlpn kdg2 aku tewas gak dgn penggoda antarabangsa permulaan yg baek..kempen jom solat awal..

teori aku..kalo dh bunyi azan terus g toilet tanpa fikir ape2..kalo dah start fikir, tyme tu la si penggoda antarabangsa amik peranan..even fikir one second can lead you to a great damage dalam usaha nak solat awal waktu...

persoalan yang sering aku timbulkan...
"kenapalah nak sangat solat awal waktu ni..bukan ke solat bila2 masa pon boleh asalkan x masuk waktu solat seterusnya dah kira ok la tu..kira ok la dah solat ni..bukannya tinggal terus"...

jalan-jalan surf internet..aku jumpa satu artikel ni..sal Rahsia solat di awal waktu
pechet cni
nak kongsi kat sni..artikel yang menarik..xnak ulas sal artikel tuh..baca sdirik lg best...

aku nak jawab persoalan aku sdirik kat atas tu dgn hadith ni...
Sabda Nabi SAW

Ertinya: " Ditanya Nabi SAW , apakah amalan yang terbaik, maka jawab Nabi : Solat di awal waktu" ( Riwayat At-Tirmidzi dan Abu Daud, Albani : Sohih)

kdg2 manusia ni asyik cari alasan utk post aku yg lepas "say no to excuses"..dah terbukti "alasan" tu dah sebati dgn jiwa manusia..aku cuba nk kikis budaya tu dlm diri progress..aku perlukan bukti utk apa yg aku kempenkan..

kembali pd teori aku td..aku cuba buat..bila azan dh bunyi aku terus masuk toilet..then g bilik member aku..terus solat..aku cuba kikis bisikan manis yang datang dengan..."langkah2 kaki ke toilet...kosongkan minda"..perasaan ni akan hilang kalau selalu buat..memang starting point tu sgt susah, perit derita semua jenis ader la..tapi bila dh slalu amalkan Insya Allah senang je nk buat...badan kita akn jd automatic bila dgr bunyi azan terus g toilet amik wudhu then solat..ajak member lain skali solat berjemaah...slalunya kalau dah ader org yang starting masuk toilet..member lain akan's like magnet..xnak ke jadi orang first yang msk toilet dulu..??

nak berenti dah..nak bawa persoalan sket..pahala dah la sket..dosa berlambak..kenapa xnak tambah pahala dengan solat awal..renung2kanlah..wallahua'alam

azam aku...???

"apa azam aku?"
post ni cam nak tulis bahasa melayu la pulak..english aku ntah ape2..
kadang-kadang aku tertanya-tanya apa azam aku sebenarnya..bukan main lagi senaraikan segala jenis azam yang terlintas kat kotak fikiran, tapi angan-angan mat jenin x kemana jika x disertakan dengan usaha..bak kata aku, makan nasi biar sungguh-sungguh walaupun hanya lauk ikan kering..sebab siapa tahu entah esok lusa makan nasi saja tanpa lauk..tapi still ade nasi...bersyukur la manusia~
"Azam"...kadang-kadang aku keliru..keliru dengan arah tuju aku sendiri..bangun pagi, celik mata, nampak lampu, antara nak bangun dengan nak tarik cik leha balik...habis pergaduhan sengit dengan si penggoda antarabangsa, victory is mine, terus tendang saratoga..kaki menjejak ke lantai.."uh, sejuk..."
dengan langkah nak-xnak..akhirnya masuk jugak toilet..dah la xde sakhanah(pemanas air)..dah nak masuk tahun ketiga kami disini..semua rumah yang kami duduk xde sakhanah..boleh dikatakan tiap-tiap tahun la, phobia nak masuk toilet...sejuk seakan-akan curah air batu yang letak dalam freezer kat badan...Allah je yang tahu betapa peritnya disaat molecule-molecule air menjamah my skin..huuuuh..tapi nak bagitau kat sini..kitorang leh sabar jugak..confius bin ajaib..mungkin sebab dah biasa..benda ni jadi out of discussion..
Sambung azam aku tadi..tetiba je cerita sal mujahadah nk bangun tidur...hehe..
so tahun ni aku nak ade satu azam yang betul-betul aku akan buat..Insya Allah ya Rabb..tercapai at the end of the year is out of question, but the important is that i have one target to be accomplish within this year..we see quality not quantity..biasa dengar, kan?
aku pernah baca satu artikel ni..sal ape tah, lupa...tapi apa yang aku ingat..penulis tu cakap..umat islam zaman sekarang banyak dari segi kuantiti tapi kerat mana la yang benar-benar mengamalkan ajaran islam yang sebenarnya-benarnya..even aku sendiri takut untuk mengaku yang aku benar-benar telah mengamalkan ajaran islam yang dituntut..banyak benda lagi yang aku xtahu dan banyak lagi benda yang aku tahu tapi aku xamalkan..reality check.."setakat mana islam aku?"
islam bermaksud percaya dengan hati, mengaku dengan lidah dan buat dengan anggota badan serta amar makruf nahi mungkar..
Insya Allah azam baru aku tahun ni..aku nak perbaiki diri a better person..banyak kelemahan yang aku sendiri sedari dan xsedari..jom buat reality check jap..senaraikan kelemahan-kelemahan masing-masing..dan cara nak atasi..let start the first step, shall we...
sini nak kongsi..10 ciri-ciri fardhu aku pernah dapat dari kakak sc aku dulu..pahtu kerap jugak why not try amalkan...

1.jasmani yang sihat (Islam kan selalu je suh jaga kesihatan.sbb tanpa badan yang sihat, nak buat apa pon susah..bukankah sihat itu adalah salah satu nikmat)
2.akidah yang selamat (pegangan; asal daripada perkataan akad, maksud dia simpulan,ikatan..kalau pegangan/ikatan kita xselamat, putus tali jatuh kaboom la kita)
3.memiliki kemampuan/kekuasaan
4.intelek dalam berfikir
5.akhlak yang kukuh
6.ibadah yang sahih (nak everything goes the way it should, kena jaga ibadah luh..sbb ibadah is the first step you'll be able to be near Our kata solat tu madrasah/sekolah pertama kita..pernah dengar?)
7.pandai jaga waktu (nilah problem aku no 1..tapi manusia boleh berubah, aku nk mulakan first step..first step to every thing seems so difficult but, the difficulties is the one refresh your memory of how fun to have a tear out of joyness when you succeed on doing'll be flash back by the suffer not by the joy..and you'll begin to learn pace by pace)
8.teratur dalam sesuatu urusan (dan satu lg problem aku..xde sistematik langsung..berubah ye)
9.berjuang melawan nafsu(susah tau nk mujahadah lawan nafsu ni..ada satu cerita..hari ini aku puasa sunat hari khamis..on the way balik dr kuliah tadi nampak la sorang ni tengah minum fanta perisa oren..terus increase aku punya appetite tuk minum air gas gak..lantas aku nak pegi beli dah pun air gas..tiba-tiba.."alamak aku puasa la hari ni.."..habis cerita kat situ, aku pun balik umah..balik umah tengok ada member aku makan tomyam-feveret aku..dia xtau aku puasa..pahtu aku ni dah berkira-kira nak buka puasa dah ade satu suara ni determine betul nk suh aku buka puasa..dia ckp .."puasa sunat je pon, bukan puasa wajib"..pahtu aku pun bgtau la member aku ni..dia pun cakap.."wa,mujahadah!!!..last2 aku pun teruskan sampai azan yang bestnya, waktu buka puasa, aku dapat dua2 benda yang aku sangat2 nak tyme kritikal td.."air gas oren & tomyam")
10.bermanfaat kepada orang lain (belajarlah untuk memberi dan belajarlah untuk menghargai pemberian)

lastly, ni aku tulis sambil-sambil duk tunggu member kat tangga tepat jam 12.34 pm..gara-gara kunci rumah hilang..tup-tup kena duk kat tepi tangga sambil tunggu dorang balik...tapi ok gak dapat ilham nak tulis something...
When you determine on doing something, then stick to it. The moment you state your target, the harder it get on getting the starting point. The evil intentions will flow like a waterfall across your heart and you'll tend to make excuses on what you aim to do. Lastly end up, doing nothing instead of having the big ambitious over something that you are certain about it, then forget completely what you really wanted to start with. Don't think of victory because victory is far away. But think about your contribution towards the battle. War is just begin. Don't end it as you are already facing the first barrier..azam dah tetap..selamat berjuang!!~

are you the happiest woman...??

our new mentor, with new way of conducting task for the eight of complete reading two books but in a very unique way..the eight of us will rotate the book after reading one part and give to other member to read the same part..and the book will be pass to other hands after the first people finish reading the part suppose to be read..and the circle with be continues until all of us finish reading the whole things from the books..
one of the books reaches my hand is "You can be the happiest woman in the world" written by Dr Aid al Qarni..
i would like to share it here...

Say YES...
YES to your smile that sends a message of warmth and friendliness to others.
YES to your kind words that establish friendship as permitted in Islam and dispel rancour.
YES to acceptable charity that brings happiness to the poor and feeds the hungry.
YES to sitting with the Quran, reciting it, pondering its meanings and acting upon them, and repenting and seeking forgiveness.
YES to remembering Allah a great deal and praying for forgiveness, persisting in dua' and offering sincere repentance.
YES to raising your children in Islam, teaching them the Sunnah and guiding them to that which will benefit them.
YES to modesty and hijab as enjoined by Allah, which is the means of self-protection.
YES to the friendship of good women who fear Allah, love Islam and respect high values.
YES to honouring one's parents, upholding the ties of kinship, honourin one's neighbours and caring for orphans.
YES to reading useful, interesting and beneficial books.

and say NO...
NO to wasting time in trivial pursuits, and love of revenge and futile arguments.
No to giving priority to money and accumulation of wealth over one's health, happiness, sleep and peace of mind.
NO to seeking out other people's faults and backbiting about them, whilst forgetting one's own faults.
NO to indulging in physical pleasure and giving in to every whim and desire.
NO to wasting time with shallow people and spending hours in idle pursuits.
NO to neglecting physical hygiene and cleanliness in the house, and being disorganized at home.
NO to haram drinks, cigarettes, narghile ("hookah pipes") and all foul things.
NO to thinking of past calamities and dwelling on past mistakes.
NO to forgetting the Hereafter and neglectingto strive for it, and to being careless of what will happen in the Hereafter.
NO to wasting money on haram things, being extravagant with regard to permissible things and falling short in acts of worship.

then think about it...
1. Be like the bee, which lands on fragant flowers and fresh branches.
2. You don't have time to seek out people's defects and mistakes.
3. If Allah is with you,the whom do you have to fear? if Allah is against you, then what hope do you have?
4. The fire of envy consumes the body, and the excessive jealousy is like a raging fire.
5. If you don't prepare today, then you will not be able to do anything tomorrow.
6. Withdraw peacefully from places where idle arguments are going on.
7. Let your morals and attitude be even more beautiful than a garden.
8. Do acts of kindness and you will be the happiest of people.
9. Leave people to their Creator, leave the envier to death and forget about your enemy.
10. The pleasure of haram actions is followed by regret, loss and punishment.

interesting, right?lets practice it, who knows you will be the one, one of the happiest woman in the world..

my heart yelling....??

sometimes i felt so annoyed and sometimes i just don't want to think about it..just let it be..but the feeling grew stronger as time pass by..and it turn to be hatred..and sometimes i ended up crying by myself in my room or in the bathroom..haha..silly right..i'm only human ability to control something is beyond my power is limited..and i can't even control my own feeling..

i admit most of the time, it was my fault..but sometimes i just don't get it why am i feeling so down and so annoyed at the same time..i felt like i'm useless...nothing good came out from me..and i'm the one who is causing all the trouble and if it's like i'm the criminal...being hatred and being dislike by others..the feeling can't just settle down like that..i felt so stress!!!
i can't even smile freely like before...i felt useless..i can't felt the happiness is so brain is going to blow...'s so good to cried out loud...i felt at ease somehow..
it's good sometimes try to express your feeling..if you can't do it in the real life face to face with can use the advantages of having internet at the tip of your fingers , right?

express how you feel...then you can be at peace..other way is take ablution..not just blunt ablution..take ablution with pure intention..firstly, close your eyes, try to stay calm...try not think about anything..just relax..don't ever think about the annoyance at this very moment..try to enjoy the minute of calmness..
then, put a very pure intention only for Allah inside your heart..until that, then you can start to perform your ablution..if not, try to calm..think of something nice and funny, that can make you smile, even for a second..

i already did this to myself..sometimes my experiment went well but sometimes not..but most of the time, i felt at ease after i did this..i don't know if it's not working on others, but for me i enjoy that feeling, even only for a second..
other than this, i ate a lot when i'm stress..i ate everything..most of the time i ended up feeling overly full due to my unconscious habit of eating..and fall asleep the next..but i enjoy makes me happy..

the thing that i love the most..ICE CREAM!!! i even dared to go downstairs late in the night just to buy ice cream at farouq's favourite flavor is strawberry..the moisturize creamy strawberry ice cream when put in the tip of your lips..flow inside your sweet..i can't hardly express the real can't imagine the sensation if he doesn't experience it himself..

but the thing here that i want to say, different people has different way of managing with for me i eat and eat while i felt stress..and for you, only you know your own need..try to look for the thing that can ease your stress or temper..try to find something that can be use (for example, eating food) when you are in need for support (from other but you can't find one) but changing it into something that easy to do according to your level yet very effective...
that's enough already..hopes can be benefit..

say no to excuses

Like the title..i feel like writing something..say no to excuses..
i've been thinking lately..i'm making too much excuses since forever..every time it's comes to hold a responsiblity, then the excuses began to generate..i don't know where and why i come out with so many ideas yet it is so brilliant..even me myself don't expect it to be like is me who think of it yet i don't know the origin..seems unreal, right..i thought so too..^o^

Excuses only for loser..and i don't want to be a loser..there are already too many things that i lose..and i don't want to lose more and more while i'm aware of losing them..

Speaking of excuse, are you aware that, people tend to make excuses yet they know what they do wrong..and they refuse to accept their mistakes..making thing worst they make excuses to escape from the responsibilities hold within the incident..i've been making observation over me myself as a sample of the experiment..and i found out that my tendency to making excuses is higher whenever my ego feels threaten and when i'm used to became casual and even worst i felt at for example..when i eat, i always tend to leave behind the plate in the table where i ate, not because i purposely wanted to do that, but i forgot to take it with me to the kitchen (it's one of my bad habit that i'm trying to get rid of) of my housemate used to get angry whenever it happens..and i bluntly protect myself with excuses..i'm avoiding taken the responsibility toward my act..that's one example and the other, if u read my sentence at the beginning of example, u'll see another sample of excuse make by me unintentionally..but it seems kind of habit..habit of making excuse for everything i's a bad thing indeed..better watch out next time..

the moral here, learn how to avoid making excuses..just accept the responsibilties comes with your action..then you'll began to learn life step by step..and enjoy the responsibilties that crawling ahead..

one day trip to giza

It has been since last year, we've been planning to visit one of historical place in egypt, giza..i never have thought that we're going there this eid adha...since it's eid adha it seems weird to me to go to place like that..but it's worth for all the of my regret is that on the first day of eid adha, i spent most of my evening in an unapprorpiate place..there is too much regret regarding this eid adha thought...i suppose Allah has spoken...all this make me realizes many things..

Back to trip to took approximately one hour journey to reach there by van...
i became overly excited by the tourists...there's black guy, blonde girl and so on...

we took some pictures there..

here is some information about giza...
Giza is the third largest city in Egypt. Being located on the west bank of the Nile river, some 20 km southwest of central Cairo. Along with Shubra El-Kheima, Cairo and Helwan, the 4 cities form the Province of Greater Cairo metropolis. The city of Giza is the capital of the Giza Governorate, and is located near the northeast border of this governorate in coordinates. It is located right on the banks of the River Nile. The city's population was 2,681,863 in the 2006 national census, while the governate had 6,272,571 at the same census. Its large population makes it the second largest suburb in the world, tied with Incheon, Korea and Quezon City, Philippines, second only to Yokohama, Japan.

Giza is most famous as the location of the Giza Plateau: the site of some of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world, including a complex of ancient Egyptian royal mortuary and sacred structures, including the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples. The Great Pyramid of Giza at one time was advocated (1884) as the location for the Prime Meridian, a reference point used for determining a base longitude.

We met one malaysian family whose in the holiday during our visit to the Great Pyramid of giza. Ain and i also encountered with a group of japanese tourists. To my surprise, i'm able to speak with one of member of the group. i found this so intersting and exciting. but i unable to make a long conversation due to the crowd. i couldn't even ask her name.

After the great pyramid of giza, we then went to area to ride camel and horse. i have no gut to ride the camel. but i do rode the horse. after a big battle with the guardian of the animals to lower the fee of the ride, we finally get the reasonable price.
it was a wonderful ride. i then learn how hard and extremely dangerous the ride was. how ancient people survive using horse as transport. how the muslim use horse for war with the non-muslim. i can barely breathe during the ride. but it was one of wonderful things happen to me. i'm glad i took the ride. one never knows the feeling if he don't experience it by himself.

How Rasulullah SAW prevent and cure the diseases

i found this article...thought of sharing it here..hopefully can benefit others~

Cara Rasulullah mengelak & menyembuhkan penyakit


1.perasaan runsing
4.tidak tidur malam
(bukan tujuan qiyamullail)


1.melihat pada warna hijau
2.melihat air yang mengalir
3.melihat orang/barang yang disayangi
4.melihat buah-buahan (dedaun).


1.berjalan tanpa alas(berkaki ayam)
2.menyambut waktu pagi dengan wajah murka (masam)
3.banyak menangis
4.banyak membaca tulisan yang kecil-kecil.


2.tidak mempunyai perasaan malu
3.banyak bertanya (bertanya
bukan kerana ingin tahu)
4.banyak berbuat dosa.


1.menjaga maruah
4.membaca qur'an
4.sentiasa dalam wudhuk


1.perasaan sombong
4.suka mengadu domba.


(beribadah di waktu malam selepas tidur)
2.banyak beristighfar di waktu
sahur (sebelum masuk waktu subuh)
3.membaca surah Al-Waaqi'ah sebelum
4.Solat sunat Dhuha
6.berzikir di waktu pagi dan petang


1.tidur di waktu pagi(selepas subuh)
2.sedikit mengerjakan sembahyang


1.sentiasa makan buah yang masam
2.tidur pada tengkuk (belakang kepala)
3.hati sedih
4.fikiran runsing


1.kegembiraan hati
2.sedikit makan dan sedikit minum
3.mengawal makanan dengan sesuatu yang manis dan berlemak
4.mengurangkan makanan yang memberatkan badan

from one plain reality become a story

i got nothing to write's been a while since i wrote something in this page..i'm not really a writer-type person..but i become suddenly excited over something like this..although i prefer watching movie instead of write something that might be benefit for me somehow i suppose...writing something can help to improve my english skill..furthermore my laziness keeps me away from this languange for awhile since almost all the time i've been in my nothing except watching cartoon..somehow i think from writing this kind of stuff help to improve me english is not good as it suppose to be but i'm trying to create a new stimulus to make me trying harder..people tend to do something if certain stimulus is applied..i prefer this kind of stimulus to make my tendency toward english languange visible...
from the title i suppose create some story out of reality might become an interesting output...i'm working on it..but right now..i got no idea..just an introductory words..
i might come out with something later..pray that i won't forget about this...i can see my determination only 50 out of 100...i need even more stronger stimulus i suppose..haha..a story to be tell~

my day out...

Yesterday me and my friend, we went window shopping and something really bad happen to us on that's a story to be gained...After class we went straight to place called "Mahatoh Raml, on the way there we stopped by to get something from photocopy shop..
Actually we are looking for some cheap stuff...after all now it's going to be spring soon...and the winter is come to an end after this while...i'm freezing cold during this winter scent...yet getting extremely overwhelmed sometimes as for the weather changing outrageously...cut the crap!!..i'm not going to tell about those stuff be continues....
and back to my story just our disapointment, we found zero cheap garment...we came to a wrong place to begin with...those place only for those who has "fulus"( it means money) we with our 4 legs(it's four because each one of us has 2 legs..hahah..actually i don't have to explain that at the first place yarr...) we walk along to the "tram" ( this is some kind of transport, that helps us travel to our university and other places too with just only LEo.25 per ride,but we have a special card, not that special at all just adding the spice, so we only pay LE2o for the whole year,that's great is it, me and my own world...)
oh before that i forgot to tell you about a funny scene me and my friend encounter that day...on journey to find cheap stuff full with guts and courage...hahahha...we enter one boutique along the roadside at the Mahatah usual the shopkeeper(is it shopkeeper,...ah mind my bad used of words..actually i'm kind lost of word to describe the girl that happen to be in charge of the boutique...whatsoever la) she follows every steps of us and making us feeling extemely uncomfortable and unsecured too(actually there is no need for the feeling of unsecured..hehheh)
And the scene happen....hhuuhhu..that girl or should i call her as "kak" (or miss), she ask me for "habbah" (aizah habbah...), with innoncent look i stare back at her.then i replied, "maalish ana mushfahmah" and till that moment then i noticed the meaning of habbah if i'm not mistaken when she's pointing her finger toward my snack..she is actually asking for my snack on my neuroanatomy book that i hold on my bare hand...hah!!what a shock..she actually dare to ask that to a stranger yet a foreigner like me...huh what a can be so unbelievable sometime...and then her friend came ask for the same thing without a single feeling of ashamed..i just laugh with my friend and say nothing after that...but still it really tickles me when i recalled it for the next close...
and then the second scene happen...this time it's not the funny one but a really bad day for us...we rode the "tram"...and it's not the usual "gerabak" (ah i'm sorry ah feel really annoyed when i seem kind of lost to find the suitable word..actually this problem happen when i'm reach 20..and now that i'm 21..big enough to marry don't you think..hahahha... =P cut it out yarr!!)
We enter the mixed "carriage", the first floor is all occupied so we decided to go upstair...then the tradegy happen...
the second floor doesn't seem to be crowded with people..there is only a couple of lover dovey and some teenagers..we find ourselves a place near a group of girls hanging out chattering with each other...and when the tram comes to a station, i think it's after azaritoh(near syu'ban muslimin) a man average 40, came and sat next to first i doesn't suspect anything because it is normal act and i don't have power to stop him from doing so.after all he pays the fare..but then that man seem to getting closer...and i felt so so uncomfortable at that time..only God knows what i feel that time...think that i'm going to cry..naah i'm not that weak...i can't show my weakness in front of him...every thing comes to mind that time...i pray for God for our safety...
And then that man open his whatsoever and playing with it( i think..because i don't even have guts to see besides me...and i don't know exactly what he is doing...but something suspicious about that man i could friend said that he is using something like a plastic bag to cover his act...
We get so scared then decided to go downstair..i think it's when we're approaching syu'ban muslimin...and to our surprise theat man follow us downstair!!!
We try to act cool and calm...the period between syu'baan muslimin and shatby is so long and giving him time to do that again but in the standing friend notices there is some guy that happen to be near us notice something suspicious is happening..may be because of our shocked and scared faces...but they didn't do anything...on reaching shatby that man descend from tram...and felt as much relief as we could...we thanks to God for saving us from anything bad...after this incident i will be more careful and try not to take that "gerabak again"
and of course note to others and me also, be careful when you walk alone, because "malang itu tidak berbau busuk" ( some malays phrase about be careful before something bad really happen) 2 close...

my "keropok segera"...

assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...
alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrah Ilahi...tut...tut...oi siot too formal!!...rejected!!!...
well first of all thanks to God, Ya Rabb, for giving me the opportunity to have my own blog. After all having a blog can't do any harm, can they??
It has been a while since i started to write something...actually i'm writing something right now...hahhaa...silly and my broken english, can't do anything about it...just ignore the "tunggang-langgang" structure of my sentences ok....
This is the first entry of my blog, and i have no idea of what i should write...actually i've already had one back there but i kind of forget the password for that blog and guess what i'm also forget about the email address that i use for that blog...may be it's not meant for me at the first place...hahaha..just like in movie..the romance story about a young lady who fall in love with the mr prince-charming who is flawless yet is a "buaya" (that word in my mother's tongue, in english ; playboy)...after several observation ( which is i got most of them from television and also internet,downloaded it and whatsoever, giving me a little point of view about this matter) i found out that most of girl of naive type just like me
will fall for a guy that actually doesn't appreciate the value of woman but stylish in their appearance yet of course has bold heart...that's why until now i don't have any can be trouble most of the time...but we, girl, can't blame the man 100%...because we are human being and none of us can escape from making mistakes but we can learn...that is why people getting mature day by day or after suffering for a long time because by time they learn about the secret of life and the meaning of being painful...and the thing that i don't have any boyfriend not even once...because no one would like me..hahahha...serve me right...
i think it's enough for's a little bit long for a first entry,don't you think???
i'm going to stop now...there's no classes for today because there is no electricity in my university...i wonder what happen to the first year students...they are having first semester examination today...pray nothing bad i recalled my first year as a university student....